5. 12. 2024

The Head of Ljubljana Radiologists Incites the Collapse of the Healthcare System

dimitrij kuhelj

Dimitrij Kuhelj / Mediaspeed

The head of Ljubljana’s radiologists, Dimitrij Kuhelj, proposed a collective resignation of radiologists, extending the call to other hospitals as well. Will Kuhelj, who is advocating for the dismantling of public healthcare, face accountability?

We reveal how the head of radiology at UKC Ljubljana urged fellow radiologists across Slovenia to resign collectively, establish a private institute, and then negotiate terms with hospitals. This plan has been confirmed by UKC Maribor. Below is a letter from a radiologist who opposed Kuhelj's intentions, which would severely impact citizens like us:

Letter to Dimitrij Kuhelj:
Dear Dimitrij,

During our meeting on October 17, 2024, you shared your idea of all interventional radiologists in Slovenia collectively resigning, forming a private institute, and then negotiating terms of cooperation with hospitals. You explained that I was the last person you were discussing this with and that other interventional radiologists and neuroradiologists, including colleagues from SB Slovenj Gradec and Celje, had already supported your proposal, while you were still waiting for a response from Maribor. You asked me to consider your proposal.

On October 24, you organized a meeting and invited all interventional radiologists and neuroradiologists from UKC. However, you did not invite me to the meeting. Since I was unable to share my opinion during the meeting, I am sending my response via email.

I completely reject participation in this project. There are several reasons for this. The main ones include the following: this would mean the end of our profession, hinder the training of radiology and other medical specialists, obstruct scientific research and participation in educational processes at the Faculty of Medicine, and, ultimately, I cannot support a project that involves 'negotiating' with clinics and public institutions at the expense of our patients. I fear that our field will fall into the hands of private contractors and clinics, which are already slowly taking over.


In cc "  Interventional radiologists and neuroradiologists at UKC Ljubljana, SB Slovenj Gradec, and UKC Maribor."

Radiologi po Sloveniji so nam potrdili, da je predstojnik Kuhelj predlagal kolektivni odstop

Kuhelj Ignores Questions About His Proposal

Despite our repeated attempts, Dimitrij Kuhelj has not responded to requests for clarification about his proposals, which aim to destabilize public healthcare. We wrote to him twice, asking whether he believes such actions are appropriate for the head of radiology, a department employing the largest number of radiologists in Slovenia. We also inquired whether he thinks this aligns with the Hippocratic Oath, considering his prioritization of personal financial gain over patient care. Additionally, we asked how he justifies using his leadership position to push for the privatization of radiology in Slovenia.

UKC Maribor Confirms Kuhelj’s Proposal

UKC Maribor confirmed that Kuhelj had reached out to their radiologists with the same proposal, but their radiologists rejected it.

Kuhelj's Contradictory Public Statements

Reports of Kuhelj urging radiologists to resign collectively were also published in Mladina. In response to their article, Kuhelj did not deny the allegations but instead criticized the journalist for misrepresenting him. He then praised public healthcare in his response, claiming it provides the best care for patients and expressing hope for further improvements. Publicly, Kuhelj claims to advocate for the stability of radiology at UKCL while privately pursuing its privatization.

Will There Be Consequences?

When asked whether they were aware of Kuhelj’s proposal and how they intended to respond, UKC Ljubljana’s management stated that they had approached Kuhelj, who assured them that the Clinical Institute of Radiology (KIR) was not involved in activities related to establishing a private institute. Management emphasized their expectation that he work in the interests of public healthcare.

However, evidence from radiologists and statements from Maribor suggest that Kuhelj misled his superiors.

If Kuhelj’s plan had succeeded, it would have destabilized Slovenia’s healthcare system, particularly radiology, which is already fragile. UKC Ljubljana is the only fully operational radiology institute in Slovenia, providing services to hospitals nationwide.

Previous Controversies

Kuhelj has been involved in several high-profile controversies. Last year, he was removed from all tender committees for procuring radiology equipment after allegations of favoritism toward a specific supplier. This came to light when the Ministry of Health annulled a tender for purchasing MRI equipment, citing potential bias in favor of one provider.

Will Kuhelj Resign?

Given the gravity of his actions, we reached out to the Ministry of Health, asking whether they believe a doctor who encourages radiologists to collectively resign—jeopardizing Slovenian patients during such negotiations—should face consequences.

As of now, we are still awaiting their response.

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