
11. 1. 2025


Nika and her three children were left with nothing; the landlord destroyed the stairs and drove away their dog

In November, we reported on a mother of three, Nika Mavrič, who was living in a rented apartment without electricity, heating, and with disrupted water supply. When she moved into the apartment in an old house, the landlord, Simon Kokelj, promised to complete the construction work, but he did not fulfill his promise. The dispute escalated to the point where, on Friday, November 29, the landlord cut off the makeshift stairs leading to her apartment.

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29. 11. 2024


The Background of the Dismantling of the Slovenian Police

The police have never in history been so close to a breakdown as they are now, with a key subsystem of a democratic society in the hands of an unlawfully appointed Director-General. This unlawful leadership is officially defended, supported, and upheld by the executive branch of government, along with its political patrons and shadow figures. A politically instrumentalized police force, turning into a tool for discrediting political opponents, is becoming increasingly ineffective. This is evidenced by the recent media-driven assassination in our country.

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14. 3. 2024


Irregularities and Malpractices in UMC Ljubljana

We have exposed the actions of a lawyer, employed at the University Medical Centre (UMC) Ljubljana, who is a close associate of the procurement chief Drago Kreš. In his media appearances, Drago Kreš claims to be exposing corruption. However, we are disclosing illegal practices in the procurement of goods and services at our largest hospital, which incurred a 30-million deficit in the first eight months of last year.

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