
11. 1. 2025


Nika and her three children were left with nothing; the landlord destroyed the stairs and drove away their dog

In November, we reported on a mother of three, Nika Mavrič, who was living in a rented apartment without electricity, heating, and with disrupted water supply. When she moved into the apartment in an old house, the landlord, Simon Kokelj, promised to complete the construction work, but he did not fulfill his promise. The dispute escalated to the point where, on Friday, November 29, the landlord cut off the makeshift stairs leading to her apartment.

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29. 11. 2024


The Background of the Dismantling of the Slovenian Police

The police have never in history been so close to a breakdown as they are now, with a key subsystem of a democratic society in the hands of an unlawfully appointed Director-General. This unlawful leadership is officially defended, supported, and upheld by the executive branch of government, along with its political patrons and shadow figures. A politically instrumentalized police force, turning into a tool for discrediting political opponents, is becoming increasingly ineffective. This is evidenced by the recent media-driven assassination in our country.

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23. 7. 2024


Inspection at Bokalce Retirement Home: Mistakes Identified, but No Action Will Be Taken

At the Ljubljana Vič Rudnik Retirement Home - Bokalce Unit (DSO Bokalce), the social inspection, which is primarily responsible for oversight in homes, has concluded an inspection related to allegations of inadequate care and treatment of residents. And what is the summary of the eight-month investigation, for which we have been seeking answers weekly on our portal? In one word: dismal. Does anyone even care about the distress and suffering of the elderly? Is it acceptable to place the elderly in scalding water, change their medications, and choke them with a foreign denture in their mouths? Even the Medical Chamber did not find any errors. Are the responsible institutions covering for each other? However, the Police took the complaint more seriously and filed a criminal charge due to justified suspicions of a violent crime.

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5. 5. 2024


We Have Betrayed a Generation (European Press Prize winner, 2024)

Children need tenderness, touch, affection, shelter and protection. But what about the elderly? This year, as never before, we have seen an alarming increase in media reports of acts of violence against the elderly, but nothing is being done. It's as if nothing shocks us anyone anymore. Have computer screens and social media led us to a kind of indifference and habituation rather than sensitivity towards the world?

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