22. 3. 2024

Cancer Survivors in Slovenia will have 'the Right to be Forgotten'


Prime Minister Robert Golob and Health Minister Valentina Prevolnik Rupel / M24/Sašo Radej

Surviving cancer patients’ rights will be equalized with other citizens’ rights when applying for loans and insurance. At the end of November, we wrote about how important it would be for the Slovenian government to pass a law granting equal rights to recovered oncology patients.

Today, the government adopted guidelines for preparing legislative solutions on the right of individuals to no longer be obliged to disclose information about their past illness when concluding financial, insurance and similar products within a specified period subsequent to recovering from cancer. “The survival rate of cancer patients is increasing in Europe and in Slovenia. In Slovenia, there are over 120,000 individuals who have ever suffered from one of the malignant diseases. Despite cancer becoming increasingly treatable as a chronic disease, cancer survivors face numerous obstacles when attempting to return to active daily life, including challenges related to accessing financial and credit services, especially when these services are related to life insurance,” stated the government.

Thus, the government prevents discrimination and enables survivors to have the same conditions as other citizens.

We extensively covered this issue in the article, published on our portal on November 27 last year. At that time, we interviewed Dr. Jaka Cepec, a member of the Slovenian Lymphoma and Leukemia Patient Association, who advocates that the right to be forgotten should be introduced into a national legal framework.

At Preiskovalno.si, we urge the government also to rectify the injustices suffered by hemophiliacs who were infected with hepatitis C during treatment 40 years ago. Yet the state does not acknowledge its guilt and responsibility for their illness by granting them compensation.

Zadnja razkritja

21. 1. 2025

Golob, Črnec, Volk

Kdo je ugrabil slovensko policijo?

Pravkar se v zakulisju interpelacije zoper ministra Boštjana Poklukarja odvija prevzem nadzora in oblasti nad neodvisno institucijo, ki se v političnih rokah lahko spremeni v orodje za politične diskreditacije. Dobro leto pred parlamentarnimi volitvami je Gibanje Svoboda uspela prodreti v vse državotvorne institucije v državi, ki so ključni braniki pri zagotavljanju državne varnosti, upravljanju s tajnimi podatki in avtonomiji varnostnih organov. Policija je na prelomni točki.

Preberi več

14. 1. 2025


Več kot 2/3 jih na ministrstvih dela od doma

Usklajevanje družinskega in poklicnega življenja, zmanjševanje stresa, večja motivacija in prihranek časa. To so glavni razlogi za delo od doma do tri dni na teden. Izvedeli boste, na katerih ministrstvih imajo največ privilegijev. Preverili smo tudi, ali kdo in na kakšen način preverja delo iz domačega fotelja? Morajo uslužbenci oddajati poročila? Pa tudi, kako najeti odvetniki služijo z vlado, čeprav imajo vsa ministrstva zaposlene svoje pravnike.

Preberi več

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