Andrej is on his feet again. /

After a four-month agony during which he was powerless and confined to bed, Andrej from Kočevje managed to stand on his own feet and take a few steps independently around his apartment.

Upon our entry into the modest room, Andrej, as if eagerly waiting to showcase his progress, threw off the blanket and placed his feet on the floor. With a radiant face, proud of his victory, he eagerly grabbed the walker and cautiously stood up. For a second or two, he wobbled on still shaky legs, showing the first signs of muscles on his calves, and then confidently moved first one leg and then the other. In a moment, he measured the distance between the bed and the wall, adeptly turned on his heel, and measured the distance to the other wall. Andrej is able to walk again!

In spite of the pain in his joints, Andrej remained persistent. He exercised every day with the help of occupational therapists at the Kočevje Health Center and a physiotherapist from the Croatian city of Rijeka. Despite her modest pension of 600 euros, Slavica made it possible for him to have regular physiotherapy sessions, already spending 300 euros for visits, but she modestly waves it off: "I just want him to walk again. Until he walks, I'll be by his side."

"I wouldn't have succeeded without Slavi. No chance!"

This is Andrej's heartfelt wish as well. Each day, he becomes stronger and more stable in his legs. However, Andrej knows that he still has to work hard and that there is still a lot of effort ahead. "Without Slavi," he turns to his faithful friend, "I wouldn't have succeeded. No chance!" And indeed, Andrej's achievement is also her victory.

Andrej can now get up on his own several times a day. Recently, he even managed to make it to the bathroom, which he considers a special achievement. Indeed, his effort is worthy of a medal. After four months of continuous lying in an uncomfortable bed, Andrej is now well groomed and he is wearing entirely new clothes. Transformed, he is quite pleasing to the eye. When jokingly suggesting that now he just needs to find a wife, he shyly retreats into himself and smiles discreetly.

Barbara Pance, Andrej in Nataša Markovič

Undoubtedly, Andrej is the embodiment of the proverb: Where there's a will, there's a way. He has an inexhaustible will, and optimism pervades him. Despite lying down, he did not give up. Andrej did not falter, even though those who should have helped him by duty – for example, the Social Work Center (CSD) and the Jutro Institute – let him languish and lie among his waste. Now, everything has turned around. Andrej is receiving care.

Andrej is not entitled to physiotherapy unless he pays for it himself

What is Andrej’s health condition today? According to referrals for examinations issued by the Kočevje Health Center, Andrej's condition is promising; he does not have severe injuries that would keep him bedridden. Nevertheless, he would need more physiotherapy sessions to accelerate his progress. We checked with the director of the Kočevje Health Centre, Emir Kuduzović, about why Andrej does not have comprehensive physiotherapeutic care. Upon hearing the news that Andrej had already taken his first steps, Mr. Kuduzović was enthusiastic. He explained that occupational therapists had visited Andrej twice, showing him exercises, such as proper sitting, transitioning from bed to the toilet, putting on and taking off shoes. “As for physiotherapy, having a therapist massage him at home is not part of our health center's program, so we cannot provide physiotherapy at home. Instead, his doctor sent him to the University Rehabilitation Institute – Soča,” said Mr. Kuduzović said, emphasizing that Andrej should come to a healthcare facility for physiotherapy. This sheds light on one of the major healthcare issues across Slovenia, where individuals with limited mobility or complete immobility are often condemned to self-pay for physiotherapy, assuming they can afford these essential services. Andrej is fortunate to have, as he describes her, a guardian angel in the form of his neighbor Slavica. Otherwise, he would still be lying motionless in bed, and with each passing day, the hope of walking again would fade.

Director Kuduzović will talk to Andrej's doctor about whether additional therapy at the URI Soča and physiotherapy at the Kočevje Health Center would be necessary once he manages to descend stairs and reach the clinic on his own in the future. If a referral is issued immediately, Andrej will have to wait for therapy for at least three months due to long waiting times. However, Andrej has set himself the goal of venturing into the world independently within that time.

The house urgently needs a new roof, as Andrej is living under dire conditions

After we had revealed the dire situation and health condition of the incapacitated Andrej in Kočevje, benevolent individuals responded. Not only those who, with their own work and material contributions, ensured humane minimal living conditions but also those who responded to his financial plight.

Since Andrej is unable to work, he receives social support: 450 euros per month. The cost of everyday lunch meals is 250 euros every month and the rest is used for bill payments. This leaves Andrej with a shortfall of 60 euros. He has received emergency social assistance twice so far, but not anymore since March. Where is the Social Work Center now? The fact is that at the end of the month, Andrej will have nothing left. Whatever is lacking, Slavica and her husband Nenad Ahmetović already contribute. Every afternoon, after his job, Nenad also helps with the renovation of Andrej’s apartment. Besides that, he exercises with Andrej and keeps him company.

Anonymous donors showed compassion for Andrej. The local branch of the Red Cross in Kočevje so far collected 6000 euros: 2000 euros were donated by the Red Cross and 4,000 euros by the radio station Radio 1. As the secretary of the Red Cross, Alenka Bunderla, explained, they have already spent 2,128.75 euros on furnishing Andrej's apartment.

Here is an exact breakdown of expenses for the most essential equipment:

The Red Cross has also provided hygiene items for home care – such as soap, toothpaste, powder, shaving supplies, toilet paper, and towels – to the employees of the Jutro Institute. They also praised the care provided by Slavica, who regularly comes to the Red Cross for donations of surplus food to prepare breakfast and dinner for Andrej.

The aforementioned Radio Station, Radio 1, would like the funds to be used for the bathroom renovation and the purchase of other necessities, such as a new bed. However, it would be more sensible to fix the roof, as rain drips directly on Andrej's head in rainy weather. Each of the five owners of apartments in the old and crumbling house should contribute 8000 euros for the renovation. According to our information, all of the owners agree that they should replace the roof.

Kočevje's deputy mayor Andrej Mladenović, as he told us, encouraged the Red Cross to discuss with Andrej the further use of the collected donations and prioritize based on his needs. “Andrej must tell where the money should go,” said the deputy mayor, praising the generosity of local entrepreneurs who are willing to offer their services for free, donate materials for housing, or charge him half the price.

Andrej with his friend and craftsman Roman Vučko.
Osebni arhiv

All the credit for finding and obtaining craftsmen goes to Slavica, who never lets Andrej out of her sight, encourages him in daily exercises, watches over him, washes and dries his laundry, tidies up, and provides him with groceries. She found craftsmen who will lay laminate on the floor for him for free and enable window replacement at half price. Andrej will also get a washing machine and a refrigerator. Slavica also took care of Andrej’s new clothes, as the old ones were accidentally thrown away during cleaning.

The renovated room.

Andrej wakes up every morning with a smile and the thought that he is no longer a prisoner of his bed. He starts his day early in the morning, stretching his stiff limbs. Every day, the movements become softer and less rigid. Then he walks. Inch by inch further. Andrej follows the thought of the legendary Nejc Zaplotnik: “Anyone looking for a goal will remain empty when it will be reached, but whoever finds a way, will always carry the goal inside.” Andrej's goal is clear: a return to life.

Zadnja razkritja

21. 1. 2025

Golob, Črnec, Volk

Kdo je ugrabil slovensko policijo?

Pravkar se v zakulisju interpelacije zoper ministra Boštjana Poklukarja odvija prevzem nadzora in oblasti nad neodvisno institucijo, ki se v političnih rokah lahko spremeni v orodje za politične diskreditacije. Dobro leto pred parlamentarnimi volitvami je Gibanje Svoboda uspela prodreti v vse državotvorne institucije v državi, ki so ključni braniki pri zagotavljanju državne varnosti, upravljanju s tajnimi podatki in avtonomiji varnostnih organov. Policija je na prelomni točki.

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